MN 506
Kaplan University
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MN 506 - Unit 9 (Obesity Epidemic )
- Examen • 12 páginas • 2021
- $13.49
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MN 506 - Unit 9 (Obesity Epidemic ) / MN 506 - Unit 9 (Obesity Epidemic ) 
• Societal expectations 
• Financial impact of obesity 
• Obesity has a negative impact on health

MN 506 - Legal Malpractice Case Analysis (Health Policy, Ethical, and Legal Perspectives of the Healthcare System)
- Examen • 14 páginas • 2021
- $15.49
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MN 506 - Legal Malpractice Case Analysis (Health Policy, Ethical, and Legal Perspectives of the Healthcare System) / MN 506 - Legal Malpractice Case Analysis (Health Policy, Ethical, and Legal Perspectives of the Healthcare System) 
Malpractice is a negligent behavior defined by duty established by a professional 
relationship (nurse-patient), breach of duty, a physical injury and causation (Westrick, 2014). 
Nurses that participate in a trial as defendants, are at risk for financial, reputati...

MN 506 - UNIT 7 FINAL CASE STUDY (Health policy, ethical, and legal perspective of the healthcare system)
- Examen • 20 páginas • 2021
- $15.49
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MN 506 - UNIT 7 FINAL CASE STUDY (Health policy, ethical, and legal perspective of the healthcare system) / MN 506 - UNIT 7 FINAL CASE STUDY(Health policy, ethical, and legal perspective of the healthcare system) 
The purpose of this assignment is to address a case study of an ethical legal dilemma in 
advanced practice nursing. This assignment will include fact-based publications. The intent is to 
include ethical principles and laws that were violated and if that violation would constitute ...

MN 506 - Unit 7 Group Case Study.
- Examen • 15 páginas • 2021
- $15.49
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MN 506 - Unit 7 Group Case Study. / MN 506 - Unit 7 Group Case Study. 
Case Study of Yolanda Pinnelas 
This group was assigned to case study 1: Malpractice Action Brought by Yolanda 
Pinellas. This paper includes in depth analysis on the legal and ethical principles of this 
scenario. In this case, a 21-year old female was admitted to the hospital for chemotherapy.

MN 506 - Unit 4 - Children Leaving Against Medical Advice.
- Examen • 10 páginas • 2021
- $10.99
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MN 506 - Unit 4 - Children Leaving Against Medical Advice/MN 506 - Unit 4 - Children Leaving Against Medical Advice. 
There are many different situations that healthcare providers may find themselves in that constitutes an ethical-legal dilemma. These situations can cause moral distress amongst advanced registered nurse practitioners(ARNPs).

MN 506 - Legal Malpractice Case Analysis.
- Examen • 14 páginas • 2021
- $10.99
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MN 506 - Legal Malpractice Case Analysis/MN 506 - Legal Malpractice Case Analysis. 
Nurses that participate in a trial as defendants are at risk for financial, reputation and even psychological issues. According to Westrick (2014), negligence is an act of not taking care of something the way it would be taken care of by any other reasonable person under the same circumstances. Both negligence and malpractice are acts that healthcare workers can be charged with in a court of law.

MN 506 - Unit 4 Assignment.
- Examen • 11 páginas • 2021
- $10.99
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MN 506 - Unit 4 Assignment/MN 506 - Unit 4 Assignment. 
As numerous other vocations, the codes of ethics are a pillar in the practice of nursing and serve as an important guideline in the decision-making process. Nursing is one of the most trusted and ethical professions. It is the responsibility of the nurse to provide superior quality of care to their patients through following latest evidence-based practice and maintaining ethical values...

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