BIOS 2050 (BIOS 2050)

Western Nebraska Community College

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BIOS 2050 Nutrition Exam 2021
  • BIOS 2050 Nutrition Exam 2021

  • Examen • 59 páginas • 2021
  • A patient is to receive 2400 kcal/day while recovering from a motor vehicle accident. He is to receive 50% of calories from carbohydrates, 25% of calories from fat, and 25% of calories from protein. Which of the following represents the appropriate calories for each substrate? Selected Answer: a. 1200 kcal from carbohydrates, 600 kcal from fat, and 600 kcal from protein Correct Answer: a. 1200 kcal from carbohydrates, 600 kcal from fat, and 600 kcal from protein • Question 2 1 o...
  • ProfMiaKennedy
  • $19.39
  • + aprende más y mejor