ARTS 182 (ARTS-182-DL)
Ocean County College
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High Renaissance Art in Northern EU and Spain
- Essay • 3 pages • 2023
- $9.49
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Discussing the German Artist of the Renaissance period Albrecht Durer, and how his artowrk "Adam of Eve" the engraving was mainly inspired by the Italianate features of art he also exemplliefed other artistic aspect of the Northern tradition of art of humanism influences in art.
Essay ARTS-182 (ARTS-182-DL)
- Essay • 3 pages • 2023
- $8.49
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The essay discusses the Reniassance Artwork as it was represented with different aspects of it spefically linear art. The beginnings of usage of linear art. Disucssing the specific artwork of Massacio's painting: Trinity with the Virgin, St. John the Evangelist and Donor's perspective and how the work enables the viewer to envision the structure in three dimesions. Along with the compositions of the form used by Masaccio.
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