AHIST 1401 Art History Term 4, 2018 2019 GRADED QUIZ UNIT 3

Princeton University

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AHIST 1401 Art History - Term 4, 2018-2019 GRADED QUIZ UNIT 3
  • AHIST 1401 Art History - Term 4, 2018-2019 GRADED QUIZ UNIT 3

  • Examen • 6 pages • 2021
  • The type of Roman building adapted for use by the early Christian church was the: Select one: a. colosseum b. catacomb c. temple d. basilica In early societies where most people were illiterate, art was often used: Select one: a. as currency b. to teach c. as language d. for shelter The degree of lightness or darkness of a color is known as its: Select one: a. worth b. hue c. value d. saturation AHIST 1401 Art History - Term 4, 2018-2019 This study resource
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