AHIST 1401 Art History Term 4, 2018 2019 INTRODUCTION TO ART
Princeton University
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AHIST 1401 Art History - Term 4, 2018-2019 INTRODUCTION TO ART
- Class notes • 22 pages • 2021
- $9.49
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I have a small painting done on canvas board that hangs in my bathroom and has done

so for ten years. Every day I look at it and it brings me joy, it is not done by any artist you

may have heard of but by my daughter when she was young. It is an eight by eleven

canvas board with a simple acrylic painting of a house in blues and greens and brown. It

would have been a calm simple piece until she went over the entire board with swirls of

various shades of purple and reds creating a feeling of ...
Class notes
AHIST 1401 Art History - Term 4, 2018-2019 INTRODUCTION TO ART
Last document update:
I have a small painting done on canvas board that hangs in my bathroom and has done 
so for ten years. Every day I look at it and it brings me joy, it is not done by any artist you 
may have heard of but by my daughter when she was young. It is an eight by eleven 
canvas board with a simple acrylic painting of a house in blues and greens and brown. It 
would have been a calm simple piece until she went over the entire board with swirls of 
various shades of purple and reds creating a feeling of ...
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