Santa Fe Community College
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NR-503 Epidemiology Final Exam 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 17 pages • 2023
- $8.39
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Kleinman explanatory Model - ANSWER Eliciting the patient's (explanatory) model gives the physician knowledge of the beliefs the patient holds about his illness, the personal and social meaning he attaches to his disorder, his expectations about what will happen to him and what the doctor will do, and his own therapeutic goals Cultural competence - ANSWER Cultural competence is defined as
Exam (elaborations)
NR-503 Epidemiology Final Exam 2023
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Kleinman explanatory Model - ANSWER Eliciting the patient's (explanatory) model gives the physician knowledge of the beliefs the patient holds about his illness, the personal and social meaning he attaches to his disorder, his expectations about what will happen to him and what the doctor will do, and his own therapeutic goals Cultural competence - ANSWER Cultural competence is defined as
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