SCM 352 (SCM352)
University Of Nevada-Reno
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SCM 352 Exam 2 Study Guide Capacity and Constraint Management ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECT FALL-2021 AID GRADE A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 13 pages • 2021
- $10.49
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Discussion Questions: 
1.	Distinguish between design capacity and effective capacity. 
2.	What is utilization? 
3.	What is efficiency? 
4.	What is the theory of constraints? 
5.	Distinguish between bottleneck time and throughput time. 
6.	What are the 5 steps for managing constraints? 
7.	What is the objective of break-even analysis? 
1.	Marty McDonald has a business packaging software in Wisconsin. His annual fixed cost is 
$10,000, direct labor is $3.50 per package, and material i...
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