NUR 392 (NUR 392)
Adelphi University
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Fundamentals of Nursing Patient Concept Map
- Other • 8 pages • 2023
- $7.99
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This is the first concept map I ever submitted for my Fundamentals course in nursing school. I received an almost perfect grade, but lost points because it was a revision. It's a good example of what a patient concept map should generally look like. 
***This work is not intended to be copied or plagiarized. This work is solely for scholarly use as an example for what concept maps should look like.
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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Documentation Assignments 
1.	Document the findings of a focused skin assessment of Ms. Morrow, including any findings that identify the presence of chronic venous insufficiency. 
a.	During the focused skin assessment, moderate edema (+2) and hyperpigmentation of the skin was bilateral from the knees down. The patient didn’t show any signs of sweating and the skin’s elasticity and color were normal. There was a dressing covering the skin lesion on the lower leg that was changed and the wound...
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