A case study on Bipolar Affective Disorder BPAD
Albany Medical College
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A case study on Bipolar Affective Disorder BPAD with Mania Mental Case Study
- Case • 41 pages • 2024
- $9.99
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As a part of the requirement for Post Basic Bachelor in Nursing (PBBN) Curriculum of 
Purbanchal University (PU) under Mental Health Nursing (Practicum), we were required to 
do practical in Mental Hospital, Lagankhel for 2 weeks. Here we were expected to do a 
detailed study of one case. 
After having a glance in all cases, I selected a case of Bipolar Affective Disorder 
(BPAD) with Mania. This case study was done in order to gain comprehensive knowledge 
about the disease and provide holistic...

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