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Latest notes & summaries BarBri
What is shelter rule? 
Ans- If you take from a BFP, then you take rights of BFP. 
Question 4 
Owen, the owner of Greenacre, sold it to Alice for 100K. Alice did not record 
the deed, and left the countr on an extended trip. Owen, seeing an opportunity 
to make a quick profit, partitioned Greenacre and sold the front half, 
Frontacre, to Bert in exchange for 50K. Bert, who knew nothing about Alice's 
interest in the property, promptly recorded his interest. Two months later, Bert 
sold Fron...
Secured Transactions - Source of Law? 
Ans- UCC Article 9 
What is a secured transaction? 
Ans- A business deal, generally a loan of money given in exchange for a 
security interest in personalty (personal property). If borrower doesn't repay, 
lender can sell the asset to pay off borrower's debt. 
Types of Collateral (4) 
Ans- 1. Tangible 
2. Consumer Goods 
3. Rights in Real Property 
4. Intangible 
Tangible Collateral (3) 
Ans- 1. Inventory 
2. Equipment 
3. Farm Products 
Barbri Practice Exam Questions and Answers...
Barbri Practice Set Exam With Questions and Answers...
A fee simple owner of a restaurant provided in his will that the property should go on his death "in fee 
simple to my friend, but if during my friend's lifetime my son has children and those children are alive 
when my friend dies, then to said living children." When the owner died, the friend took over the 
If the son has children and one or more of them are alive when the friend dies, who will take title to the 
restaurant at that time? 
A The friend's heirs, because the atte...
Regulation of the Legal Profession: American Bar Association - ANSWER- No 
disciplinary authority 
Membership is Voluntary 
Regulation of the Legal Profession: "Must" Rules - ANSWER- ABA Model Rules of 
Professional Conduct (1983) 
Mandatory Rules 
Violations are subject to Discipline 
Displine for Violation of "Must" Rules - ANSWER- 1. Reproval 
2. Suspension 
3. Disbarment 
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Barbri last 100 MBE practice graded A 
Barbri last 100 MBE practice graded A
Barbri last 100 MBE practice graded A 
Barbri last 100 MBE practice graded A 
Barbri last 100 MBE practice graded A
Barbri 100 Questions and Answers MBE practice
BarBri - MPRE Exam Review Guide (Download To Score An A).