College Of New Rochelle
Meest recente samenvattingen op de College Of New Rochelle. Op zoek naar een samenvatting op de College Of New Rochelle? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor jouw school of universiteit.
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All courses for College Of New Rochelle
- Med Surg Med Surg 403 1
- MED SURG 403 MED SURG 403 (MED SURG403Care of patients with burns outline) 4
- MED SURG 403 (Care of Patients With Fractures Outline/MED SURG 403 MED SURG 403 (Care of Patients With Fractures Outline/MED SURG 403 1
- MED SURG 403 (MED SURG 403Care of Critically ill Patients with Respiratory Problems. MED SURG 403 (MED SURG 403Care of Critically ill Patients with Respiratory Problems. 1
- NUR 217 NUR 217 (NUR 217Case Study Fluid and Electrolytes) 4
- NUR 222 NUR 222 2
- NUR 413 2
- NUR 413 (NUR413Psych Exam 1 Study Guide.0 NUR 413 (NUR413Psych Exam 1 Study Guide.0 1
- NUR 416 2
- NUR 429 2
- NUR 429 - Lewis Blackman Story Assignment/NUR 429 NUR 429 - Lewis Blackman Story Assignment/NUR 429 1
- Nurs misc NURS MISC 1
- NURSING 200 Health Assessment 1
- NURSING 217 NURSING 217 (NURSING217S.U.NutritionCaseStudy) 5
- NURSING 241 1
- NURSING 319 1
- NURSING 319 (Med Surg 3 Exam 2 Study Guide NURSING 319 - Med Surg 3 -Exam 2 Study Guide 1
- NURSING 328 2
- NURSING 328 Maternity 2
- NURSING NUR 416 NURSING NUR 416(NURSINGNUR416MedSurgExamStudy Guide ) 3
Nieuwste samenvattingen College Of New Rochelle
Psychiatric Nursing Summary: Autism Spectrum Disorder
1.	The ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was necessary to validate the Federal income tax on individuals. 
*a. True 
b. False 
2.	Before the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution was ratified, there was no valid Federal income tax on individuals. 
a.	True 
*b. False 
3.	The first income tax on individuals (after the ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution) levied tax rates from a low of 2% to a high of 6%....
All Chapters Test Bank 1
NURSING 426 - Community Health Exam 1 Study Guide/NURSING 426 - Community Health Exam 1 Study Guide. Chapter 1: Introduction to Community/Public Health Nursing [6] - Definition of public health: o Public health is the Science & Art of 1) preventing disease, 2) prolonging life, and 3) promoting health & efficiency through organized community effort - Core public health functions o Box 1-1 Core Public Health Functions Assessment: Regular collection, analysis, and information sharing about health c...
NURSING 426 - Community Health Exam 2 Study Guide/NURSING 426 - Community Health Exam 2 Study Guide. 
Chapter 13: Cultural Diversity & Community Health Nursing [4] 
Transcultural nursing terminology 
o	Culture universal: refers to the “commonalities of values, norms of behavior, and life patterns that are similarly held among cultures about human behavior and lifestyles and form the bases for formulating theories for developing cross-cultural laws of human behavior” 
o	Cultural imposit...
NURSING 426 - Community Health Exam 1 Study Guide/NURSING 426 - Community Health Exam 1 Study Guide. 
Chapter 1: Introduction to Community/Public Health Nursing [6] 
-	Definition of public health: 
o	Public health is the Science & Art of 1) preventing disease, 2) prolonging life, and 3) promoting health & efficiency through organized community effort 
-	Core public health functions 
o	Box 1-1 Core Public Health Functions 
Assessment: Regular collection, analysis, and information sharin...
NURSING 426 - Community Health Final Exam Study Guide/NURSING 426 - Community Health Final Exam Study Guide. 
Topics listed in blueprint are the bolded points 
Chapter 1: Introduction to Community/PHN [2] 
Levels of Prevention (primary, secondary, tertiary) 
Primary Prevention 
o	Prevention of problems BEFORE they occur 
o	Health promotion & health protection 
o	2 Elements 
1) General Health Promotion enhance resiliency 
protective factors 
target essentially WELL populations 2...
Care_of_Critically_ill_Patients_with_Respiratory Problems {PE, ARF, ARDS, Mechanical Ventilation} 
•	Rapid onset of respiratory problem 
•	Chronic respiratory problems are more common, acute problems do arise that can interfere with GAS 
EXCHANGE and tissue PERFUSION to such a degree that death can occur quickly. 
•	These problems effect the cardiac system by forcing the heart to work harder to compensate for lung- related impairment of gas exchange. 
•	Thus, prompt recognition and...
NUR 222
NURSING 217 - S.U. Nutrition Case Study/NURSING 217 - S.U. Nutrition Case Study. 1. Amy is diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa. List four (4) characteristics associated with this eating disorder. Four characteristics associated with anorexia nervosa include: - Limited caloric intake - Omission of healthy foods - Excessive exercise routines - Obsessive behaviors 2. List two common ways to obtain information about Amy’s food intake. Two common ways to obtain information about her food intake are the...