PT Management of Integumentary Impairments
Columbia University College Of Physicians And Surgeons
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Columbia University.
Physical Therapy Integumentary lectures and charts for wound management.
![Physical therapy wound dressings](/docpics/622cf8b93bae6_1616933.jpg)
Physical therapy wound dressings
- Samenvatting • 13 pagina's • 2022
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- $2.99
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Phases of Wound Healing 
Inflammation vs. Infection 
Types of Debridement 
Active Dressings 
Adjunctive Therapies 
Wound Features and Management 
Physical Therapy Implications
![Physical therapy wound care lectures](/docpics/622cf753c3712_1616924.jpg)
Physical therapy wound care lectures
- College aantekeningen • 18 pagina's • 2022
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- $2.99
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Physical therapy management for individuals with impairments to their skin and its associated structures including the hair, nails, and glands. Physical therapy diagnosis and management of clients with integumentary impairments with an emphasis on open wounds and burns. Physical therapy examination (patient, skin, and wound) and interventions (setting up a sterile field sharp debridement, management of infection, dressing selection, compressive wrapping, and modalities available for adjunctive c...
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