Culinary Institute Of America
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Notes on MLA format and citations in an essay.
In depth summary of My Year of Meats by Ruth Ozeki. Includes summary of the book as well as notes on the book and characters.
In depth summary of The Belly of Paris by Emile Zola. Includes summary of the book as well as notes on the book and characters
In-depth summary of The Book of Salt by Monique Truong. Includes a summary as well as notes on the book and characters
Written out notes as given in class
This is an in-depth summary of the book The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. Includes a summary and notes about the book and characters.
This is a guide for writing a college level literary analysis essay.
In-depth summary and notes about all 4 course novels as well as notes as gone over in class. Also included is a guide for writing essays following the guidelines of the Professor.

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