D\'Youville College
Latest uploads at D\'Youville College. Looking for notes at D\'Youville College? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for your school.
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Latest notes & summaries D\'Youville College
Joint design, joint categories, classification of synovial joints, fibers, biological materials, types of connective tissue from the structure of joints, arthrokinematics, osteokinematics
Axial skeleton, general function and structure, vertebral curves and discs, motion of vertebral column, vertebral column motions, spinal region, lumbar-pelvic rhythm, sacral and coccyx regions, ergonomics, proper body mechanics.
Muscle morphology, skeletal muscles, muscle fiber orientation, muscle architechture, muscle tension, etc.
Introduction to kinesiology, biomechanics, osteokinematics, etc.
The elbow complex explained in kinesiology terms and the relationships between joints. Range of motion and motion of extensors and flexors explained thoroughly. Ligaments and range of motion characteristics.
Notes regarding the shoulder complex and scapulohumeral relationships.
Notes regarding the foot and ankle and how they relate in movement to each other.
Knowledge including muscles, joints, and bones of the ankle and foot complex and how they relate to each hother.
Notes regarding the hip complex and how these muscles and joints work together.
Anatomy and physiology of the pectoral region, axilla, and brachial plexus.