Hunter College
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Nieuwste samenvattingen Hunter College
Community and Public Health Nursing 3rd Edition DeMarco Walsh Test Bank.Community and Public Health Nursing 3rd Edition DeMarco Walsh Test Bank.Community and Public Health Nursing 3rd Edition DeMarco Walsh Test Bank.Community and Public Health Nursing 3rd Edition DeMarco Walsh Test Bank.Community and Public Health Nursing 3rd Edition DeMarco Walsh Test Bank
Community and Public Health Nursing 3rd Edition DeMarco Walsh Test Bank.Community and Public Health Nursing 3rd Edition DeMarco Walsh Test Bank.Community and Public Health Nursing 3rd Edition DeMarco Walsh Test Bank.Community and Public Health Nursing 3rd Edition DeMarco Walsh Test Bank.Community and Public Health Nursing 3rd Edition DeMarco Walsh Test Bank
1) A nurse is preparing to start her shift on a medical-surgical unit. Which of the following factors 
concerning the change-of-shift report (hand-off report) will be most important for the nurse to 
- Next anticipated dressing change 
2) Indicate whether the following statement is true or false. Physiologic diagnoses have a higher 
priority than psychologic diagnoses. 
- True 
3) Indicate whether the following statement is true or false. The Kardex provides a filing system 
for recor...
Hunter College, CUNYNURS 310.00 VCE- 3 Questions and answers / Hunter College, CUNYNURS 310.00 VCE- 3 Questions and answers
PSYCH Midterm Review Sheet (Week 1-4) 
PSYCH Midterm Review Sheet (Week 1-4)
VCE- 3. 
1)	A nurse is preparing to start her shift on a medical-surgical unit. Which of the following factors concerning the change-of-shift report (hand-off report) will be most important for the nurse to consider? 
2)	Indicate whether the following statement is true or false. Physiologic diagnoses have a higher priority than psychologic diagnoses. 
3)	Indicate whether the following statement is true or false. The Kardex provides a filing system for recording the physician's orders. 
Patho Section 1 
Cell & Tissue Function/Dysfunction Atrophy: decrease in size of cells. Hypertrophy: increase in cell size. 
Hyperplasia: increase in number of cells. 
Metaplasia: mature cell type is replaced by a different mature cell type. Dysplasia: cells vary in size & shape within a tissue. 
Anaplasia: undifferentiated cells with variable nuclear & cell structure. Neoplasm: tumor. 
Cell Damage 
Ischemia: oxygen deficit due to respiratory or circulatory problems. Hypoxia: reduced oxygen in...
- table of content 
- bullet pointed 
- page numbers 
- images 
Very organized and clear to read. Has everything you need to know on this topic for this course. Transcribed from voicethreads (Lecture).
- table of content 
- bullet pointed 
- page numbers 
- images 
Very organized and clear to read. Has everything you need to know on this topic for this course. Transcribed from voicethreads (Lecture).
- table of content 
- bullet pointed 
- page numbers 
- images 
Very organized and clear to read. Has everything you need to know on this topic for this course. Transcribed from voicethreads (Lecture).