Iona College
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NUR Psychiatric Evaluator Hi Cory Kids
- Case • 12 pages • 2022
- $11.49
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Evaluator hi Cory kids - my name is Georgina Shay how are you doing today so I want to go 
over a few things first I already spoke with your mom we've gone over a few 
things and I've given her some paperwork that talks about confidentiality I want 
you to look over these as well while we're here it gives me permission to 
talk to you by treatment options if needed whatever we talk about still 
remain confidential unless I feel like you say something that would hurt 

NUR Psychiatric Week 11 DB- Rebecca Cole is a 39 years old, single, African American female
- Case • 4 pages • 2022
- $10.49
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Rebecca Cole is a 39 years old, single, African American female. She has never been married or 
had children. She has been institutionalized at a state mental health hospital for more than 7 
years since she was diagnosed with unspecified schizophrenia. She was diagnosed at age 21 and 
has undergone more than 8 psychiatric hospital admissions over her lifespan. Ms. Cole has been 
transferred to a local acute care hospital due to uncontrolled diabetes and hypertension. She has 
been refusing bloo...

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