Long Island University - Brooklyn Campus
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This is a comprehensive and detailed study guide on Exam 1 for Nurs 130. 
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fundamentals of nursing exam 4 study summary 
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Pediatrics Capstone Pre-Assessment Quiz/CAPSTONE PEDS PREASSESSMENT (Answered) Graded A+ 100% Correct
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2023
- $10.49
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Pediatrics Capstone Pre-Assessment Quiz 
A nurse is reviewing the history and physicality of an adolescent client who has conduct disorder. Which of the following is an expected finding? 
Suspended from school several times in the past year. 
A nurse is planning care for a 6-year-old child who has bacterial meningitis. Which of the following nursing interventions is unnecessary in the client's plan of care? 
Measure head circumference every shift. 
A nurse is preparing to administer desipramine...

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