NUR 4290 Shadow Health Bipolar Disorder Lucas Callahan (NUR4290)
Molloy College
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Shadow Health Bipolar Disorder Lucas Callahan

Shadow Health Focused Exam: Bipolar Disorder Lucas Callahan - Already Rated Grade A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 29 pages • 2021
- $12.49
- 1x sold
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Shadow Health Focused Exam: Bipolar Disorder Lucas Callahan 
Subjective Data (page 1-27) Education/Empathy (pages 27-28) 
SBAR (page 28-29) 
Chief Complaint 
• Finding: 
Asked about chief complaint 
• Finding: 
Reports being brought in by police 
Why are you in the emergency department tonight? 
History of Present Illness 
• Finding: 
Followed up on incident 
• Finding: 
Reports looking into cars for government agents chasing him What were you doing when the police found you? 
• Findin...

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