New York State Real Estate Salesperson Licensing
New York Real Estate Institute
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New York Real Estate Exam Prep**53 questions| WITH COMPLETE SOLUTIONS
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2022
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- $9.49
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The situation with the most potential for conflict is when a real estate licensee acts as a: 
-Dual Agent 
-Buyers Broker 
-Sellers Agent 
-Transaction Broker Correct Answer: -Dual Agent 
A seller has listed her home with a broker for $90,000, and the broker tells a prospective buyer to submit a low offer because the seller is desperate to sell. The buyer offers $85,000 and the seller accepts it. In this situations: 
-The broker has violated his agency relationship with the seller 
-The broke...

RealEstate U Pass the New York State Exam (v.2) 2.3 Practice Exam # 3 (75 questions)
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2022
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- $9.49
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Which of the following is NOT exempt from obtaining a license? Correct Answer: A licensed attorney acting as a sponsor to a real estate salesperson 
A real estate salespersons license must be renewed every .........years. Correct Answer: 2 
A real estate salesperson operates as what type of agent to their client? Correct Answer: Special Agent 
According to this, a broker may be held responsible for the unlawful actions of his/her salespersons? Correct Answer: Vicarious Liability 

New York Real Estate Salesperson Exam| 294 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 22 pages • 2022
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- $12.49
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Article 12A: NYS Real Property Law Correct Answer: "Real Estate License Law" 
- violation is a misdemeanor punishable by loss of license, $1000 fine, revoking of license 
- all salespersons have license suspended 
- after 1 year broker can apply to get license back 
Capital Gains Tax Exemption Correct Answer: -profit from sale that is taxed 
- single person has first $250,000 tax free 
- married couple $500,000 tax free 
Property Condition Disclosure Statement Correct Answer: - 6 page...

New York State Real Estate Salesperson Licensing Exam with COMPLETE SOLUTION
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- $7.49
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In NYS, how old must one be to enter into contracts? Correct Answer: 18 
What other capability should they possess? Correct Answer: Mental and emotional capability 
What happens if one of the parties to the contract is a minor? Correct Answer: The contract is voidable by the minor 
What does the zoning board of appeals do? Correct Answer: Grants variances 
What regulates construction standards in NYS? Correct Answer: Building codes 
What does municipal engineer's office do? Corre...
Bundle for NYS Real Estate Exams | Updated

New York State Real Estate Salesperson Licensing Exam with COMPLETE SOLUTION
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- $7.49
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In NYS, how old must one be to enter into contracts? - 18 
What other capability should they possess? - Mental and emotional capability 
What happens if one of the parties to the contract is a minor? - The contract is voidable by the 
What does the zoning board of appeals do? - Grants variances 
What regulates construction standards in NYS? - Building codes 
What does municipal engineer's office do? - Oversees planning and construction of major highways, 
sweet systems and water connecti...

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