PHY 91880 Midterm 3 Exam _ 2020 Johns Hopkins University
New York University College Of Nursing
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PHY 91880 Midterm 3 Exam _ 2020 - Johns Hopkins University (97% CORRECT ANSWERS)
- Exam (elaborations) • 13 pages • 2021
- $13.49
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PHY 91880 Midterm 3 Exam _ 2020 - Johns Hopkins University (97% CORRECT ANSWERS) 
Version 046/AACDC – midterm 03 – turner – (93000) 1 
This print-out should have 18 questions. 
Multiple-choice questions may continue on 
the next column or page – find all choices 
before answering. 
001 10.0 points 
An infinitely long straight wire carrying a 
current I1 = 37 A is partially surrounded by 
a loop as in figure. The loop has a length 
L = 31.5 cm, a radius R = 11.1 cm, and 
carries a cur...

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