Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence
New York University
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Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination (MPJE) MPJE NY COMPREHENSIVE STUDY GUIDE 2022 [A+]
- Exam (elaborations) • 45 pages • 2022
- $10.49
- + learn more
Waiting period for MPJE after failing - --30 days 
Adjusting drug regimen shall not... - --include substuting or selecting a different drug which differs from 
that initially prescribed by pt's physician unless substitution is authorized in order or protocol. 
RPH can make changes to pt's drug therapy - --IF authorized in protocol 
Ordering or performing route patient monitoring fxns - --may be necessary in drug therapy 
If MD disagrees with professional judgment of RPH - --Judgme...
Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination (MPJE) MPJE NY COMPREHENSIVE STUDY GUIDE 2022 [A+]
- Exam (elaborations) • 45 pages • 2022
- $12.49
- + learn more
Waiting period for MPJE after failing - --30 days 
Adjusting drug regimen shall not... - --include substuting or selecting a different drug which differs from 
that initially prescribed by pt's physician unless substitution is authorized in order or protocol. 
RPH can make changes to pt's drug therapy - --IF authorized in protocol 
Ordering or performing route patient monitoring fxns - --may be necessary in drug therapy 
If MD disagrees with professional judgment of RPH - --Judgme...
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