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Functions, Innervations, Blood Supply, Important Structures, Board Relevant(Step 1)
- Summary • 104 pages • 2023
- $20.49
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This document provides important muscles in each part of the body, with its actions, blood supply, innervation, insertions, and attachments. This was useful for NYITCOM but can be useful for any medical student who is learning about anatomy, whether it be for their exams or if they are studying for their Step 1 exams.
Functions, Innervations, Blood Supply, Important Structures, Board Relevant(Step 1)
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This document provides important muscles in each part of the body, with its actions, blood supply, innervation, insertions, and attachments. This was useful for NYITCOM but can be useful for any medical student who is learning about anatomy, whether it be for their exams or if they are studying for their Step 1 exams.
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