State University Of New York - Binghamton
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Review of topics in class and general ideas
Contains various laws in regard with limits, methods to solving limit problems (direct substitution, conjugate, squeeze theorem), and multiple examples to solving problems.
This note provides information on the limit of a function. Specific topics include what a limit is, one-sided limits, and infinite limits.
topics include "intervals, inequalities, and absolute values" along with some examples for each topic.
Geography - spatial science 
Themes of Geography - location, place, human-environmental interactions, regions, movement 
Formal Regions - internal homogeneity 
Functional Regions - Connectivity 
Perceptual Regions - boundaries are fluid -- "mental maps" 
Absolute location - geographical coordinates 
Relative location - spatial interconnection and interdependence 
site - characteristics of the place itself 
situation - how a place is related to other areas (relative location) 
The bulk chemical composition of the Earth is often modeled after the chemical composition of - chondritic meteorites 
The high abundance of hydrogen and helium in our universe relative to the other elements is generally attributed to these elements being - the primary material formed by the Big Bang. 
The process that causes a mixture of two different minerals to melt at a lower temperature than either mineral individually is known as _____ melting. - eutectic 
Deployment of _________ by ...
Pharmacology definition - scientific study of drugs 
Neuropharmacology - interactions of drugs in the nervous system 
psychoparmacology - scientific study of the effect of drugs on behavior 
what is a drug? - a chemical entity or mixture that is not required for the maintenance of health in a typical individual, and alters biological functions 
psychoactive drugs - a chemical substance that alters mood, cognition and/or behavior 
Why do people use drugs? - - religious practices 
- alt...
Anatomy - What the structure looks like, relationship between structures. 
Two types of anatomy - gross anatomy and microscopic anatomy 
gross anatomy - visible structures that can be seen with the naked eye 
Microscopic Anatomy - deals with structures too small to be seen with the naked eye 
Two types of gross anatomy - regional and systemic 
Regional - all the structures found in a particular region of the body ex.) chest region 
Systemic - Structures found in the same system ex.) ...