Zoology (ZOOHCC)
State University Of New York - Delhi
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A brief note on Star fish ( Asteriasis)
- Class notes • 4 pages • 2023
- $9.99
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Asterias is exclusively marine, bottom dwelling or benthonic animal, inhabiting various types of bottom, mainly in the littoral zone where they crawl about or may remain quiescent at times, either in the open or more or less concealed. Asterias forbesi is found equally abundant on hard, rocky, sandy or soft bottom, while other species have been found to prefer rocky sea bottoms.
Class notes
A brief note on Star fish ( Asteriasis)
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Asterias is exclusively marine, bottom dwelling or benthonic animal, inhabiting various types of bottom, mainly in the littoral zone where they crawl about or may remain quiescent at times, either in the open or more or less concealed. Asterias forbesi is found equally abundant on hard, rocky, sandy or soft bottom, while other species have been found to prefer rocky sea bottoms.
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