CRJ 104
State University Of New York - Morrisville
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Exam 3_ CRJ 104 1004 Questions And Answers 2022/2023 updated
- Exam (elaborations) • 12 pages • 2023
- $8.49
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Ques 2 / 2 pts tion 1 
Our American court system relies on the adversarial system which 
A legal system where there is a contest between two opposing sides with 
an impartial arbiter seeking truth. A system where the defense is required to prove innocence beyond a 
reasonable doubt to avoid the death penalty. 
4/18/2021 Exam 3: CRJ 104 1004 - 2021 Sprg 

A legal system based on the preponderance of evidence in criminal trials. 
 None of the above. 
Ques 2 / 2 pts tion 2 
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