SUNY Plattsburgh
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Últimos notas y resúmenes SUNY Plattsburgh
cornell notes 
personal notes included and images
cornell format 
cornell format 
lecture plus personal notes 
lecture plus personal notes 
Cornell format
lecture plus personal notes 
color coded 
 purple - personal thinking notes 
 red - important intake 
 orange - quotes from text or theorist or professor 
vocabulary are in bold letters with definition
lecture plus personal notes 
color coded 
 purple - personal thinking notes 
 red - important intake 
 orange - quotes from text or theorist or professor 
vocabulary are in bold letters with definition
lecture plus personal notes 
color coded 
 purple - personal thinking notes 
 red - important intake 
 orange - quotes from text or theorist or professor 
vocabulary are in bold letters with definition
lecture plus personal notes 
color coded 
 purple - personal thinking notes 
 red - important intake 
 orange - quotes from text or theorist or professor 
vocabulary are in bold letters with definition
lecture plus personal notes 
color coded 
 purple - personal thinking notes 
 red - important intake 
 orange - quotes from text or theorist or professor 
vocabulary are in bold letters with definition
lecture plus personal notes 
color coded 
 purple - personal thinking notes 
 red - important intake 
 orange - quotes from text or theorist or professor 
vocabulary are in bold letters with definition