Syracuse University
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ATLS Examination Questions And Answers
- Examen • 6 pages • 2022
- $8.99
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A 42-year-old man is trapped from the waist down beneath his overtumed tractor for several hours before medical 
assistance arrives. He is awake and alert until just before arriving in the emergency department. He is now 
unconscious and responds only to painful stimuli by moaning. His pupils are 3 mm in diameter and symmetrically 
reactive to light. Prehospital personnel indicate that they have not seen the patient move either of his lower 
extremities. On examination in the emergency depar...

Post Test ATLS Shinta R.Widya,MD GRADED A+
- Examen • 6 pages • 2022
- $10.99
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1. Which of the following signs is LEAST reliable for diagnosing esophageal 
a Symmetrical chest wall movement 
b End tidal CO2 presence by colorimetry 
c Bilateral breath sounds 
d Oxygen saturation >92% 
e ETT above carina on chest x-ray 
2. Which one of the following signs necessitates a definitive airway in severe 
trauma patients? 
a Facial lacerations 
b Repeated vomiting 
c Severe maxillofacial fractures 
d Sternal fracture 
e GCS score of 12 
3. Twenty seven patients are ...
Post-Test-Atls All Possible Upcoming Questions

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