NR 504

Chamberlain School Of Nursing

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NR 546 week 2 Assignment; Neurotransmitter Table (updated 2023)
  • NR 546 week 2 Assignment; Neurotransmitter Table (updated 2023)

  • Examen • 18 pages • 2023
  • 5HT 3 Ligand gated ion channels. highest levels in the brain stemTargets: decreases CNS (chemoreceptor trigger zone) PNS: Antiemetics Antidepressants Antiemetics: ondansetron, granisetron, dolasetron, palonosetron nausea/emesis Will inhibit the release of NE and AchTargets: cognition, anxiety, addiction. GI tract (vagal nerve) Antidepressants: Mirtazapine vortioxetin
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NR 504 Week 3 Assignment: Leadership Reflective Essay: 2 Versions (Summer 2020)-Chamberlain College Of Nursing( ALREADY (A) GRADED )
  • NR 504 Week 3 Assignment: Leadership Reflective Essay: 2 Versions (Summer 2020)-Chamberlain College Of Nursing( ALREADY (A) GRADED )

  • Autre • 5 pages • 2021
  • NR 504 Week 3 Assignment: Leadership Reflective Essay: 2 Versions (Summer 2020)-Chamberlain College Of Nursing( ALREADY GRADED A) Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to promote introspective reflection related to leadership competencies which positively influence others and cultivate healthful working relationships. Students will reflect upon personal strengths and opportunities for enhancement with respect to leadership competencies, and implications of leadership competency in the sel...
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  • $20.49
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