ACCT 3513
Southeastern Oklahoma State University
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- Exam (elaborations) • 158 pages • 2022
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MAS(PROBLEMS)- Test Banks Questions AND ANSWERS (VERIFIED) 1. Based on the following, compute total owners' equity. Cash P 8,000 Total noncurrent liabilities P 0 Total assets P64,000 Retained earnings P16,000 Total contributed capital P12,000 Current liabilities P36,000 2. Based on the following, compute total noncurrent assets. Total current assets P600,000 Total current liabilities P240,000 Retained earnings P162,000 Total noncurrent liabilities P710,000 Total contributed cap...
Management advisory services TEST BUNDLE QUESTIONS NAD ANSWERS
- Package deal • 6 items • 2021
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Management advisory services TEST BUNDLE QUESTIONS NAD ANSWERS
- Exam (elaborations) • 158 pages • 2021
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- $15.49
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MAS(PROBLEMS)- Test Banks Questions 1. Based on the following, compute total owners' equity. Cash P 8,000 Total noncurrent liabilities P 0 Total assets P64,000 Retained earnings P16,000 Total contributed capital P12,000 Current liabilities P36,000 2. Based on the following, compute total noncurrent assets. Total current assets P600,000 Total current liabilities P240,000 Retained earnings P162,000 Total noncurrent liabilities P710,000 Total contributed capital P360,000 3....
- Exam (elaborations) • 100 pages • 2021
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MANAGEMENT ADVISORY SERVICES VARIABLE & ABSORPTION COSTING CPAR Quizzer Set A SY 03-04 2nd semester, SY 2001-2002 Set B for reconstruction Set C SY05-06 1ST semester THROUGHPUT COSTING Throughput Contribution 1 . The Glass Shop, a manufacturer of large windows, is experiencing a bottleneck in its plant. Setup time at one of its workstations has been identified as the culprit. A manager has proposed a plan to reduce setup time at a cost of $72,000. The change will result in 8,000 addi...
Overview Management advisory services
- Exam (elaborations) • 150 pages • 2021
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Overview Management advisory services 1. The primary purpose of management advisory services is to A. conduct special studies, preparation of recommendations, development of plans and programs, and provision of advice and assistance in their implementation. B. provide services or to fulfill some social need. C. improve the client's use of its capabilities and resources to achieve the objectives of the organization. D. earn the best rate of return on resources entrusted to its care with...
Want to regain your expenses?
- Exam (elaborations) • 454 pages • 2021
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BASIC CONCEPTS IN MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING 1. The main focus of managerial accounting is: A. decision making. B. the preparation of financial statement. C. the preparation of budgets. D. documenting cash flow. 2. Which of the following function is most directly related to management by objective? A. Reporting B. Decision making C. Control D. Planning 3. The setting of objective and the identification of methods to achieve those objectives is called A. planning B. controlling C. decisi...
INTEGRATED REVIEW 2: Management Advisory Services (MAS) #2 | Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
- Exam (elaborations) • 55 pages • 2021
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INTEGRATED REVIEW 2: Management Advisory Services (MAS) #2 | Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis 1. Total unit cost A. needed for determining product information B. irrelevant in marginal analysis C. independent cost system D. relevant for cost-volume-profit analysis (CPAR Reviewer, 2018) 2. The rate or amount that sales may decline before losses are incurred is called: A. residual income rate B. variable sales ratio C. sensitive level of income D. margin of safety (CPAR Reviewer, 2018) ...
INTEGRATED REVIEW 2: Management Advisory Services (MAS) #2 | Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
- Exam (elaborations) • 62 pages • 2021
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INTEGRATED REVIEW 2: Management Advisory Services (MAS) #2 | Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis 1. Total unit cost A. needed for determining product information B. irrelevant in marginal analysis C. independent cost system D. relevant for cost-volume-profit analysis (CPAR Reviewer, 2018) 2. The rate or amount that sales may decline before losses are incurred is called: A. residual income rate B. variable sales ratio C. sensitive level of income D. margin of safety (CPAR Reviewer, 2018) 3...
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