Graded Quiz 4.3_ Comprehensive Frankenstein Quiz (ENG102)
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Graded Quiz 4.3: Comprehensive Frankenstein Quiz Answered / Straighterline ENG 102 Graded Quiz 4.3_ Comprehensive Frankenstein Quiz.
- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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It was Frankenstein’s choice to go to school in Ingolstadt as he was excited about the professor’s there. 
Select one: True 
Frankenstein’s mother died of scarlet fever which she caught from Elizabeth 
Which of the following best describes the Frankenstein family? 
Select one: 
a.	They were wealthy and aloof, setting themselves above the common man. 
b.	They were wealthy but generous, helping those less fortunate. 
c.	c. They were a cold, unfeeling family. 
d.	d. Victor never kn...
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