ENG 5643
University Of Central Oklahoma
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ENG 5643 Theories/Methods and Cultural Studies (Fall 2023) Class Notes Week 4
- Class notes • 6 pages • 2023
- $10.39
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Here are my fourth week of notes. It deals with sexual trauma amongst African-American women and men's reactions to that trauma. It also uses R. Kelly and Charlamagne the God as examples of how society reacts to African American women when they are victims of celebrities.
ENG 5643 Theories/Methods and Cultural Studies (Fall 2023) Class Notes Week 3
- Class notes • 5 pages • 2023
- $9.49
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Here are my notes from my third week of school. It deals with the negative expectations society has for African-American women. It also examines the phrase "Fixin Feet" and why it's important for African-American women to live by it.
ENG 5643 Theories/Methods and Cultural Studies (Fall 2023) Class Notes Week 2
- Class notes • 5 pages • 2023
- $9.49
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Here are my notes from my second week of school. It discusses how to have healthy female friendships and the ways to combat the myths surrounding them.
ENG 5643 Theories/Methods and Cultural Studies (Fall 2023) Class Notes Week 1
- Class notes • 3 pages • 2023
- $8.49
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These are the first set of notes from my class. It introduces feminism, its perks and flaws, the negative stereotypes that are placed on feminists, and the minorities' reaction to the movement. These notes are very short, but they give great insight into feminism and everything that comes with it.
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