SpreadSheet Analysis
University of Oklahoma
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Chapter 7 Instructions and Homework PART A + B
- Package deal • 4 items • 2019
- $10.49
- 2x sold
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The Turquoise Oasis Spa serves resort guests with a full range of services from traditional and alternative
massage to aromatherapy and detoxification therapy. The spa is open seven days a week. Meda Rodate, the spa
manager, would like a workbook that allows her to summarize and compare the sales of each therapist and
services used for each day the
Chapter 7 Homework Spa Part B Instructions
- Answers • 2 pages • 2019
- Available in package deal
- Free
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The Turquoise Oasis Spa serves resort guests with a full range of services from traditional and alternative
massage to aromatherapy and detoxification therapy. The spa is open seven days a week. Meda Rodate, the spa
manager, would like a workbook that allows her to summarize and compare the sales of each therapist and
services used for each day the spa is open.
Chapter 7 Homework Spa Part A & B
- Answers • 12 pages • 2019
- Available in package deal
- $10.49
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The Turquoise Oasis Spa serves resort guests with a full range of services from traditional and alternative
massage to aromatherapy and detoxification therapy. The spa is open seven days a week. Meda Rodate, the spa
manager, would like a workbook that allows her to summarize and compare the sales of each therapist and
services used for each day the spa is open.
Chapter 7 Homework Spa Part A Instructions
- Answers • 2 pages • 2019
- Available in package deal
- Free
- 2x sold
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The Turquoise Oasis Spa serves resort guests with a full range of services from traditional and alternative
massage to aromatherapy and detoxification therapy. The spa is open seven days a week. Meda Rodate, the spa
manager, would like a workbook that allows her to summarize and compare the sales of each therapist and
services used for each day the spa is open.
Chapter 7 Homework Spa Prices
- Answers • 1 pages • 2019
- Available in package deal
- Free
- 2x sold
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The Turquoise Oasis Spa serves resort guests with a full range of services from traditional and alternative
massage to aromatherapy and detoxification therapy. The spa is open seven days a week. Meda Rodate, the spa
manager, would like a workbook that allows her to summarize and compare the sales of each therapist and
services used for each day the spa is open.
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