Maths (MATH 1280)
University Of Portland
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MATH 1280 Self - Quiz Module 2 MATH1280 Self - Quiz Unit 2– University of the People| – University of the People( A Grade)
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2021
- $11.99
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MATH 1280 Self - Quiz Unit 2– University of the People 
Information text 
The next two questions refer to the following relative frequency table on hurricanes that have made direct hits on the U.S. between 1851 and 2004. Hurricanes are given a strength category rating based on the minimum wind speed generated by the storm. 
Frequency of Hurricane Direct Hits 
Category	# Direct Hits	Relative Freq.	Cum. Relative Freq. 
1	 	0.39930	 0.3993 
2	72	 	 
3	 	0.2601	 
4	 	0.0659	 
5	 	0.0110	1.0...
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