POLI 330N Week 8 Final Exam (POLI 330N Week 8 Final Exam (Version 2 - Essay & MCQs))
Devry University
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POLI 330N Week 8 Final Exam (Version 2 - Essay & MCQs)
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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Page 1 
1. (TCO 1) Historians and political scientists are different because historians and political scientists . 
Chapter 1, page 5 (Points : 2) 
are reluctant to generalize; look for generalizations look 
for generalizations; are reluctant to generalize 
are more likely to look for comparisons; focus on differences 
tend to focus on naturebased explanations; focus on nurturebased explanations 
2. (TCO 1) The notion that politicians think practically and political scientists think ab...

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