Drexel University College Of Medicine
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Latest notes & summaries Drexel University College Of Medicine
This document is a comprehensive study guide for al of the material dictated by the professor that would be asked on the exam. Material is pulled from video lecture notes as well as online resources to further support the answers of the questions. Questions from this document are directly from the professor. Images are from online resources as well from lecture notes.
NURS 320 Quiz 1 (fall 2022) all correct answers. 
A 16-year old patient with cystic fibrosis is admitted with increased shortness of breath and possible pneumonia. Which nursing activity is most important to include in the patient's care? 
A Perform postural drainage and chest physiotherapy every 4 hours 
B Allow the patient to decide whether she needs aerosolized medications 
C Place the patient in a private room to decrease the risk of further infection 
D Plan activities to allow at least 8 ...
Chapter 1: Overview: Physical Examination and History Taking 
Multiple Choice 
1. For which of the following patients would a comprehensive health 
history be appropriate? 
1) A new patient with the chief complaint of “I sprained my ankle” 
2) An established patient with the chief complaint of “I have an upper 
respiratory infection” 
3) A new patient with the chief complaint of “I am here to establish care” 
4) A new patient with the chief complaint of “I cut my hand” 
Ans: C 
TEST BANK FOR PORTH'S PATHOPHYSIOLOGY 10TH EDITION BY NORRIS ISBN:978-5|COMPLETE TEST BANK WITH RATIONALS.Instant delivery (Printed PDF) To clarify, this is not a TEXTBOOK! This is a Test Bank (Study Questions) to help you better prepare for your exams. Test Bank Directly From The publisher, 100% Verified Answers. COVERS ALL CHAPTERS. Download Immediately After the Order.
Math 101: Final Exam Review Sheet
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