CS 11049 (CS 11049)
Pennbrook Middle School
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University of the PeopleCS 11049Computer Systems Week 2 Assignment
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2021
- $16.49
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Assignment 1 First assignment: develop a circuit using combinational logic (or putting together 2 or more logic gates) for an alarm system. The following truth table describes the operation of the l ogic circuit. Essentially if the alarm is Armed (value of 1) and the door opens or the glass is broken or motion is detected (all indicated by a value of 1 when any of these items are true) THEN the value of Alarm is 1 meaning that the alarm will be sounded. Complete and test your circuits using Logi...
Exam (elaborations)
University of the PeopleCS 11049Computer Systems Week 2 Assignment
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Assignment 1 First assignment: develop a circuit using combinational logic (or putting together 2 or more logic gates) for an alarm system. The following truth table describes the operation of the l ogic circuit. Essentially if the alarm is Armed (value of 1) and the door opens or the glass is broken or motion is detected (all indicated by a value of 1 when any of these items are true) THEN the value of Alarm is 1 meaning that the alarm will be sounded. Complete and test your circuits using Logi...
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