University Of Pennsylvania - Wharton School Of Business
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Latest notes & summaries University Of Pennsylvania - Wharton School Of Business
The essay presents arguments as to why companies consider merging or engage acquisition deals, the reasons why the expected outcomes aren't always achieved, and different aspects of the merging and acquisitions aspects. Besides it critically explains the difference between the Capital Asset Pricing Model, Arbitrage Theory, and Fama & French's Three-Factor.
The document describes the technological advancements in human resource departments in organizations. Many software such as BambooHR, SimpleHR, Recruiterbox, among others have been developed to simplify and perfect the hiring and management of employees. The software platforms have revolutionized the employment aspects reducing the long posting and mailing of applications to every employer and the long wait. Prospect employees can also gauge themselves and know their potentials in targeted organ...
The essay describes the development of Twitter in which was initially called Twttr with the main idea of communicating with friends. However, Twitter gained popularity and over the years advertisements, business transactions, political wars, and breaking news have all been presented in the Twitter platform thereby connecting the world.
The essay describes the trade, economic and cultural differences in relation to the state of businesses in the respective countries. Such descriptions include risk assessment, cultural analysis, trade analysis, economic stability, political stability, government policies as well as country fundamentals.
The document provides a comparison between domestic enterprises in Canada such as the Canadian Tire Corporation and multinational enterprises such as the Four Seasons Hotel which is in many countries. The comparison is based on government policies, tariffs, language, culture as well as currency.
This document presents an overview and detailed explanations of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Canadian economy. it involves unemployment and the switch from monetary policy to fiscal policy as per Bank of Canada and federal government directives. It gives insight into the 2008 recession and how the Bank of Canada was able to eradicate imbalances and hence ways to balance the economic crisis of 2020.
This essay depicts the different aspects Canada has been depending on the United States for trade dealings and the changes which may occur as Canada seeks to diversify their trade to Europe.