University of scranton
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Latest notes & summaries University of scranton
Question: What does Howells assert that fiction 
should accomplish? That is, what does he 
think fiction is for? Do you see him 
accomplishing that in “Editha”?
Question: To what extent does Mark Twain feel like 
a contemporary voice? That is, does his 
humor sound like humor you might hear 
from someone writing or even doing 
stand-up today? If so, in what specific 
ways? If not, how is he different?
Question: What argument is James making in “The 
Art of Fiction”? How does it contrast with 
what we have seen from Howells, Norris, 
and Crane?
Question: How could things have been different for 
Maggie? (Think big, not just within the 
story but within the larger context as you 
understand it.)
Question: To what extent does this depiction of a working-class family feel “realistic”?
Discussion questions provided by professor. Questions are: 1. Are Hotspur, Worcester, and Northumberland justified in their revolt against Henry IV, or are they simply traitors rebelling against their legitimate king? What crimes has Henry committed against them? How does Shakespeare seem to want us to feel about their plot to divide England into three pieces (3.1)? How does this revolt fit into the scheme of the Tudor Myth? 
2. In Act 3, scene 2, King Henry tells his son Hal that he is a disgra...
Questions from professor about Richard II. Questions are: 1. After Richard falls from power, does your attitude toward him change? What does Shakespeare do in Acts 4 and 5 that might make audience members feel differently about Richard than they did when he was king? How do we respond to his disposition toward his imprisonment and the manner of his death? 2. Once Bolingbroke becomes king, is he a better ruler than was Richard? Which of his actions as monarch parallel or contrast with Richard's ...
These notes are based on a PowerPoint presentation that focuses on a textbook that gives a summary of Parkinson's Disease and what medications work best to work against this disease.
Nutrition Midterm Study Guide Chapter 1 
1.	What are the consequences of inadequate nutrition? 
a.	Malnutrition or overweight/obesity 
2.	Is malnutrition an issue in the US? 
a.	Yes, just because they don’t appear like starving children doesn’t mean they aren’t hungry or malnourished. 
3.	Who is especially at risk of malnutrition beyond children? 
a.	Elderly patients – living at home or in nursing homes 
4.	Define food insecurity. 
a.	Lack of access to food to fully meet basic needs at a...
This is an overall of the first chapter in anatomy and physiology. Introduces anatomical terms, anatomical position, directional terms, body cavities, and the feedback system