Assessing of the Nursing Process: Types of Assessments/ Interview requirements

Villanova University

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Final Exams-Fundamentals of Nursing-latest
  • Final Exams-Fundamentals of Nursing-latest

  • Examen • 154 pages • 2021
  • Disponible en pack
  • While conducting a dressing change, the nurse notes a new area of skin breakdown that was caused from the tape used to secure the dressing. In which phase of the nursing process is the nurse working? 1. Assessment 2. Diagnosis 3. Implementation 4. EvaluationDuring an assessment, a client who is not very talkative appears pale, diaphoretic, and restless in the bed, and says leave me alone. Which subjective data should the nurse document? 1. Restlessness 2. Leave me alone 3. Not talkative 4. Pale ...
  • Sturdydrone
  • $10.49
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