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Latest notes & summaries Ecpi
NEGATIVE FEEDBACK: - Effectors return conditions toward normal range. 
- Called "negative" bc the response to the change moved the variable in opposite direction (negative) of 
the deviation from the set point. 
- Most common type of homeostatic mechanism. 
- Prevents sudden, severe changes in the body. 
- Ex: negative feedback controls body temp., blood pressure, glucose level in the blood. 
ECPI-Exam 2 Review Chapter 4,5,6,7 
Questions and Answers 100% Pass 
What type of tissue is adipose tissue? - connective tissue 
An example of an anabolic reaction is - many monosaccharides bonding, forming glycogen. 
Involuntary muscle tissues are - smooth muscle tissue and cardiac muscle tissue 
What type of muscle cell(s) have more than one nucleus? - Skeletal muscle cells only 
Microscopic tunnels in bone matrix that one lacunae to the next - Canaliculi 
Membranes sealed from the external en...
Exam 3 (Chapters 6-9) A&P I (Dr 
Tiangco, ECPI) Exam Questions and 
Answers 100% Pass 
Dermis - Deepest layer of skin 
Stratum Corneum - Most superficial layer of the epidermis 
Function of skin - Excretes waste, secretory, protection, cosmetic 
scalp, armpit, face, arms, legs, pubic area, - common locations of hair growth 
Function of hair - sunshade, bug sensor, protection 
Dermis - thickest layer of skin 
smooth - The arrector pili muscle is made of ________muscle 
UV radiation - stimulates m...
Final Exam - Pharmacology ECPI Exam 
Questions and Answers 100% Pass 
Nicotinic N (neuronal) Location - All autonomic nervous system ganglia and the adrenal medulla 
Nicotinic N (neuronal) response - Stimulation of parasympathetic and sympathetic post-ganglionic 
nerves and release of epinephrine from adrenal medulla 
Nicotinic M (muscle) Location - Neuromuscular junction 
Nicotinic M (muscle) Response - contraction of skeletal muscle 
Muscarinic Locations - Eye, Heart, Lung, Bladder, GI tract S...
NUR 164 Final ECPI Exam Questions 
and Answers 100% Pass 
Law established to regulate nursing practice. - Nurse Practice Act (NPA) 
What type of family is made of two single-parent families joined together to form a new family unit? - 
Blended Family 
What type of family consist of a nuclear family and other related people? - Extended Family 
Any group of people who live together and depend on one another for physical, emotional, and financial 
support. - Family 
family unit, family of marriage,...
NUR234 ECPI Exam 1 MH Questions 
and Answers 100% Pass 
What three factors influence mental health? - •Inherited characteristics 
•Childhood nurturing 
•Life circumstances 
patient is responsive, opens eyes spontaneously, and answers questions appropriately - alert 
When does acute PTSD occur? - <6 months of a trauma 
patient can open eyes and respond to questions, but is drowsy and falls asleep readily - lethargic 
When do signs of chronic PTSD occur? - >6 months of a trauma 
Pharmacology Test 1 (ECPI) Questions 
and Answers 100% Pass 
How is medication administered buccally? - Cheek Pocket 
What are the 5 rights of Medication Administration? - Right: Drug, dose, time, route, patient 
What is the nurses rationale for applying the nursing process in medication therapy? - Ensures 
medication is administered safely and accurately. 
How does the nurse evaluate the effectiveness of discharge teaching? - Have the patient teach back 
What are the components of a correct phy...
Cardiac chapter 18-test 1 ecpi UPDATED 
ACTUAL Questions and CORRECT 
What is important to check and document after a cardiac catheterization is performed - 
CORRECT ANSWER - Distal pulses 
What is a risk factor after a cardiac catheterization - CORRECT ANSWER - Hemorrhage
Chap 13+14+15+16+17+18 ECPI Nur 166 
UPDATED ACTUAL Questions and 
CORRECT Answers 
ANA definition of nursing - CORRECT ANSWER - the protection, promotion, and 
optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering 
through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, 
families, communities, and populatio
Chapter 1-5 medical terminology ECPI 
UPDATED ACTUAL Questions and 
CORRECT Answers 
Greek & Latin - CORRECT ANSWER - Medical language is made up primarily of words 
taken from two ancient languages 
Root - CORRECT ANSWER - The subject of a term 
Enter/o - CORRECT ANSWER - small intestin