NBST 515 (NBST515)
Liberty University
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NBST 515 Exam 1
- Exam (elaborations) • 18 pages • 2024
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- $12.00
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Five main eras of the Second Temple Period. Be sure to know the time frame for 
each era. - Babylonian (606-539). 
Persian (539-331). 
Greek (331-167): Ptolemaic (320-198) and Seleucid (198-167). 
Jewish Self-Rule (167-63). 
Roman (63BC - AD70). 
Three crises experienced by the Jews that resulted from the Bab. captivity. - 
Dissolution of the monarchy, loss of central sanctuary, proximity to Gentiles. 
Most likely period of time in why synagogue emerged. - Bab. exile 
Whether idol worship became...

NBST 515 Exam 3 Q & A
- Exam (elaborations) • 12 pages • 2024
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- $12.00
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Significant event that occurred in 410 AD - Rome had fallen to Alaric's Goths. 
Roman pagans blamed Christians, who had been in favor of Constantine. In the 
wake of such, Augustine wrote City of God. 
Whether full canonical acceptance of Hebrews took place more quickly or more 
slowly than the other New Testament writings. - More slowly - it struggled. 
The two primary reasons Paul is widely rejected as the author of Hebrews. - 
Language is different from that in Paul's Letters - from voc...

Liberty University NBST 515 New Testament Orientation I (ICE): The General Epistles/Revelation
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2024
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- $11.00
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Author of Hebrews - Originally believed to be Paul; almost definitely not Paul 
(Hebrews 2:3). Unknown. 
Place Hebrews was written. - Unknown 
Recipients of Hebrews - Unknown 
Introduction to Hebrews - Discussion of how Jesus is higher and better than angels 
(arguing for divinity of Jesus). 
Date of Hebrews - Likely before AD 70 (as present-tense reference to Temple 
worship insinuating it was written before the Temple's destruction) 
Key concept of Hebrews - Jesus as high-priest in order of...

NBST515 (ICE Exam)
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2024
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- $11.00
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Which genre typically contains cosmic conflict, symbolic language, and revelatory 
experiences on the part of the author? - Apocalypse 
Which letter uses familial language to describe the Church? - 1 John? 
The "walk to Emmaus" occurs only in which Gospel? - Luke 
Which of the four Gospels is typically considered to be the earliest written? - Mark 
Which approach to the Synoptic problem considers Matthew as the earliest of the 
Gospels? - Griesbach/ Two-Gospel Theory 
The only Gospel to al...

Liberty University NBST 515: New Testament Orientation I: The Gospels
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2024
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- $11.00
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Synoptic Gospels - Matthew, Mark, and Luke 
J.J. Griesbach - Creator of the term: "Synoptic Gospels" 
Matthew (Order of Writing) - Traditionally considered to be the first Gospel 
written (Irenaeus, Clement, & Origen) 
Mark (Order of Writing) - Modern scholars believe this to be the first Gospel 
Q - A supposed document that (along with Mark) influenced the creation of 
Matthew and Luke in the Two-Source Theory 
Form Criticism - Argument against the miracles and spiritual emphasis...

NBST 515 Exam 2
- Exam (elaborations) • 13 pages • 2024
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- $12.00
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Josephus - Jewish Antiquities - The first-century non-canonical author who made 
two references to Jesus. Also be sure to know the name of the work that contains 
these references. 
Babylonian Talmud - "He then went and raised Jesus incantation" - Jewish source 
that includes a reference to Jesus' resurrection. 
Did not - just attributed them to sorcery - Whether or not opponents of Christianity 
during the second century typically denied that Jesus performed miracles. 
Tacitus - Annals...

NBST 515 Final Exam Study Guide
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2024
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- $11.00
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Distinguishing characteristics of 1 Peter - Authorship: the apostle Peter 
Audience: regions of modern Turkey 
Dating: mid-60s at the latest 
Written to exiles and dispersed (possibly Gentiles) facing persecution and suffering 
Distinguishing characteristics of 2 Peter - Authorship: Simeon Peter 
Audience: Gentile believers? 
Writing is very similar to synoptic Gospels 
Dating: probably c. 65 AD 
Distinguishing characteristics of Jude - Authorship: Jude, servant of JC and brother 
of James. Auth...

NBST515 (ICE Exam) Study Guide
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2024
- Available in package deal
- $11.00
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Which genre typically contains cosmic conflict, symbolic language, and revelatory 
experiences on the part of the author? - Apocalypse 
Which letter uses familial language to describe the Church? - 1 John? 
The "walk to Emmaus" occurs only in which Gospel? - Luke 
Which of the four Gospels is typically considered to be the earliest written? - Mark 
Which approach to the Synoptic problem considers Matthew as the earliest of the 
Gospels? - Griesbach/ Two-Gospel Theory 
The only Gospel to al...

NBST 515 Final Exam
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2024
- Available in package deal
- $11.00
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Distinguishing characteristics of 1 Peter - Authorship: the apostle Peter 
Audience: regions of modern Turkey 
Dating: mid-60s at the latest 
Written to exiles and dispersed (possibly Gentiles) facing persecution and suffering 
Distinguishing characteristics of 2 Peter - Authorship: Simeon Peter 
Audience: Gentile believers? 
Writing is very similar to synoptic Gospels 
Dating: probably c. 65 AD 
Distinguishing characteristics of Jude - Authorship: Jude, servant of JC and brother 
of James. Auth...

- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2024
- $5.99
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Which genre typically contains cosmic conflict, symbolic language, and revelatory 
experiences on the part of the author? - CORRECT ANSWER Apocalypse 
Which letter uses familial language to describe the Church? - CORRECT 
ANSWER 1 John? 
The "walk to Emmaus" occurs only in which Gospel? - CORRECT ANSWER 
Which of the four Gospels is typically considered to be the earliest written? - 
Which approach to the Synoptic problem considers Matthew as the earliest of the 

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