Middle Tennessee State University
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The module consists of a complete and correct module of Debbie O'Conner COPD shadow health which is very helpful to the nursing students

NURS HEALTH ASS Shadow Health COPD Debbie O'conner subjective data collection (100% correct)
- Examen • 41 pages • 2021
- Disponible en pack
- $15.49
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NURS HEALTH ASS Shadow Health COPD Debbie O'conner subjective data collection (100% correct)/NURS HEALTH ASS Shadow Health COPD Debbie O'conner subjective data collection (100% correct)/NURS HEALTH ASS Shadow Health COPD Debbie O'conner subjective data collection (100% correct)

Shadow Health COPD Debbie Summary NURS HEALTH ASS 32 of 32 (100.0%)
- Resume • 41 pages • 2021
- $10.49
- + en savoir plus
Shadow Health COPD Debbie 
Subjective Data Collection: 32 of 32 
Hover To Reveal... 
Hover over the Patient Data items below to reveal important information, 
including Pro Tips and Example Questions. 
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Scored Items 
Experts selected these topics as essential components of a strong, thorough interview 
with this patient. 
Patient Data 
Not Scored 
A comb...

Shadow Health COPD Debbie O’Connor Subjective Data Collection: 32 of 32 (100.0%)
- Examen • 41 pages • 2021
- $15.49
- + en savoir plus
Shadow Health COPD Debbie O’Connor 
Subjective Data Collection: 32 of 32 (100.0%)/Shadow Health COPD Debbie O’Connor 
Subjective Data Collection: 32 of 32 (100.0%)
NURS HEALTH ASS Shadow Health COPD Debbie O’Connor Show Less

Peur de manquer quelque chose ? Alors non !

NURS HEALTH ASS - Shadow Health COPD Debbie O.
- Examen • 48 pages • 2021
- $15.49
- 1x vendu
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NURS HEALTH ASS - Shadow Health COPD Debbie O/NURS HEALTH ASS - Shadow Health COPD Debbie O. 
Reports a bronchospasm three days ago 
Pro Tip: A patient's chief complaint establishes any illnesses or concerns they are presenting. Asking about the chief complaint will allow the patient to voice any concerns or symptoms the patient may have.

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