NURSING 341/ NURSING MISC Vernon Watkins trial exam questions with answers
Austin Community College
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NURSING 341/ NURSING MISC Vernon Watkins trial exam solution Austin Community College
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2021
- $12.49
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NURSING 341/ NURSING MISC Vernon Watkins trial exam solution 
1. Chief Complaint (CC): This is a statement of what happened that prompted the patient to seek care. 
Came to the ED 4 days ago with N/V and severe abdominal pain and admitted for emergent surgery for a bowel perforation. During 
the scenario he began to complain about difficulty breathing and pain in his chest and right leg. Further tests indicated a possible DVT 
in the right leg which could lead to a pulmonary embolism. 
2. Histo...
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