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Nursing 3 Test 1 BUNDLE | All Terms From The Major Topics_2022/2023 | 100% Correct
- Package deal • 9 items • 2022
- $29.99
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Nursing 3 Test 1
Somatoform and Dissociative Disorders 
Somatic Symptom and Dissociative Disorders
Psychiatric Therapies 
Psychiatric Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence
Personality Disorders
Introduction to Psychology
Abuse Violence, and Neglect
Anxiety and Crisis

Nursing 3 Test 1 | Somatic Symptom and Dissociative Disorders Terms 2022/2023 – 100% Correct
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- $9.99
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1.	Somatic Symp- tom 
2.	Illness Anxiety Disorder 
3.	Conversion Dis- order 
4.	Tx for Conver- sion Disorder 
5.	Factitious Disor- der 
. Response to repressed severe anxiety 
. Drug abuse and dependence are common 
. Heightened emotionality, strong dependency needs, and a preoccupation with symptoms and oneself 
. Women 
. Less educated 
. Rural 
. Unrealistic or inaccurate interpretation of physical symp- toms or sensations, leading to preoccupation a...
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