RNSG 1251
Central Texas College
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RNSG 1251 - Exam 2 Study Guide.
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 12 pagina's • 2021
- $12.99
- + meer info
RNSG 1251 - Exam 2 Study Guide/RNSG 1251 - Exam 2 Study Guide. 
1.	Know the primary purposes for doing an ultrasound during different trimesters of pregnancy and how to prepare clients for the procedure.(p.167) 
a.	1st trimester-Transvaginal o Confirm pregnancy 
o Cerify location of pregnancy o Detect multifetal gestations o Determine gestational age o Confirm # and viability 
o Determine location of uterus, cervix, and placenta for procedures such at Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) 
o Ident...

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