NUR 1251 (NUR 1251)
Sam Houston State University
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Maternity Case 5: Amelia Sung (Core) Documentation Assignments, Questions With Answers.
- Other • 3 pages • 2022
- $9.49
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1. Document Ms. Sung’s admission to the labor unit, including the plan of care and appropriate 
Ms. Sung is a 36 y/o Filipino woman, G2P1 admitted approx. 6 hours ago in active 
labor. She was 4cm dilated and 100% effaced and station -1. Epidural anesthesia 
was initiated at 0230. The membrane ruptured at 0330 and the amniotic fluid was 
clear. Since then she has dilation 6 cm and the fetus is presently at -1 in the vertex 
position. She is fully dilated and began pushing. The feta...
Maternity Case 6: Amelia Sung (Complex) Guided Reflection Questions With Answers.
- Exam (elaborations) • 2 pages • 2022
- $8.49
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Opening Questions 
How did the simulated experience of Amelia Sung’s case make you feel? 
 I felt somewhat nervous due to never performing such as applying suprapubic pressure and 
assisting the patient into McRoberts maneuver. 
Describe the actions you felt went well in this scenario. 
I felt the actions went well since the baby was delivered without complications. 
Scenario Analysis Questions1 
EBP What risk factors specific to shoulder dystocia were identified in Amelia Sung’s case? 
The ...
MaternityCase06_AmeliaSung_Complex_GRQ,WITH VERIFIED ANSWERS GRADED A.
- Exam (elaborations) • 2 pages • 2021
- $13.49
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Guided Reflection Questions 
Opening Questions 
How did the simulated experience of Amelia Sung’s case make you feel? 
I felt somewhat nervous due to never performing such as applying suprapubic pressure and assisting the patient into McRoberts maneuver. 
Describe the actions you felt went well in this scenario. 
I felt the actions went well since the baby was delivered without complications. 
Scenario Analysis Questions1 
EBP	What risk factors specific to shoulder dystocia were id...
NUR 1251 - Maternity Case 5: Amelia Sung (Core).
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2021
- $6.99
- 1x sold
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NUR 1251 - Maternity Case 5: Amelia Sung (Core)/NUR 1251 - Maternity Case 5: Amelia Sung (Core). 
1.	Document Ms. Sung’s admission to the labor unit, including the plan of care and appropriate referrals. 
Ms. Sung is a 36 y/o Filipino woman, G2P1 admitted approx. 6 hours ago in active labor. She was 4cm dilated and 100% effaced and station -1. Epidural anesthesia was initiated at 0230. The membrane ruptured at 0330 and the amniotic fluid was clear. Since then she has dilation 6 cm and the fet...
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