NURS 6501

South University

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Module 3 Knowledge Check: GI and Hepatobiliary Disorder NURS 6501 Module 3 Knowledge Check: GI and Hepatobiliary Disorders>Rated A.
  • Module 3 Knowledge Check: GI and Hepatobiliary Disorder NURS 6501 Module 3 Knowledge Check: GI and Hepatobiliary Disorders>Rated A.

  • Examen • 12 páginas • 2021
  • NURS 6501 Module 3 Knowledge Check: GI and Hepatobiliary Disorders: A 45-year-old male comes to the clinic with a chief complaint of epigastric abdominal pain that has persisted for 2 weeks. He descri bes the pain as burning, non-radiating and is worse after meals. He denies nausea, vomiting, weight loss or obvious bleeding. He admits to bloating and frequent belching. PMH: osteoarthritis; seasonal allergies with frequent sinusitis infections Meds: Zyrtec 10mg daily year-round; Ibuprofen 400-600...
  • Succeed
  • $11.39
  • 1x vendido
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