Texas A&M University
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Texas A&M University(TAMU )Nutrition 202 Tests Bundle Set

NUTR 202 TAMU EXAM 3 questions with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 16 pages • 2023
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- $14.49
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Macrominerals CORRECT ANSWER - present in greater amounts of the body - recommended intake > or equal to 100 mg/day - calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, sodium, chloride, magnesium Microminerals (trace minerals) CORRECT ANSWER - recommended intake < 100 mg/day - iron, copper, manganese, iodine Describe the process of blood calcium regulation when blood calcium becomes low CORRECT ANSWER blood levels of calcium are regulated by vitamin d and parathyroid hormone, they release w...

NUTR 202 TAMU Exam 3 questions with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 13 pages • 2023
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- $14.99
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What is the general function of vitamins and minerals? CORRECT ANSWER Do not yield energy. Assist in metabolic processes and providing energy. Fat Soluble vitamins CORRECT ANSWER Vitamins A, D, E and K. Stored in large amounts for long periods of times in the body. Increased risk of toxicity. Water Soluble Vitamins CORRECT ANSWER B vitamins and Vitamin C. Stored in small amounts for short periods of time. Decreased risk of toxicity. Vitamin A functions CORRECT ANSWER Vision and Immune S...

TAMU NUTR 202 questions with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 12 pages • 2023
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- $14.49
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the process of providing/obtaining the food necessary for health and growth CORRECT ANSWER Nutrition a substance that the body needs for energy, regulation of body processes, and structure CORRECT ANSWER Nutrient a nutrient that is necessary for life, and one the body cannot make (at all or in sufficient quantities) CORRECT ANSWER Essential nutrient a nutrient that the body can make in sufficient amount (even if lacking in the diet) CORRECT ANSWER Non-essential nutrient a scientific ...

Tamu NUTR 202 exam 2 questions with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2023
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What elemental unites make up amino acids? CORRECT ANSWER Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Define essential amino acids CORRECT ANSWER Cannot be made by the body, as a result they must be acquired from our diet. -nonessential amino acids CORRECT ANSWER Can be made by the body in adequate amounts by transferring the amine group or nitrogen, from an essential amino acids to another compound containing carbon, an acid group, a hydrogen, and an R group. -conditional essential amino acids COR...

Nutrition 202, Creasy, TAMU Exam 2 questions with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 14 pages • 2023
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What elemental unites make up amino acids? CORRECT ANSWER Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Define essential amino acids CORRECT ANSWER Cannot be made by the body, as a result they must be acquired from our diet. -nonessential amino acids CORRECT ANSWER Can be made by the body in adequate amounts by transferring the amine group or nitrogen, from an essential amino acids to another compound containing carbon, an acid group, a hydrogen, and an R group. -conditional essential amino acids COR...

NUTR 202 Exam 3 Creasy TAMU questions with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 22 pages • 2023
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- $16.99
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Minerals CORRECT ANSWER Inorganic nutrients that are essential in diet Macrominerals CORRECT ANSWER Present in greater amounts in the body - Calcium, Phosphorous, Potassium, Sulfur, Sodium, Chloride, Magnesium What is the recommended intake of Macrominerals? CORRECT ANSWER >= 100 mg per day What is the recommended intake of Micromineral (or trace minerals)? CORRECT ANSWER < 100 mg per day Micromineral (or trace minerals) CORRECT ANSWER Iron, Copper, Manganese, Iodine What is...

Nutr 202 Exam 3 questions with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 15 pages • 2023
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- $12.49
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Describe the differences between macrominerals and microminerals. CORRECT ANSWER Macrominerals are present in larger amounts in the body, the recommended intake is more than 100 mg per day, and some examples are calcium, phosphorous, potassium, sulfur, sodium, chloride, and magnesium. Microminerals intake is less than 100 mg per day, and some examples are iron, copper, manganese, and iodine. Describe the process of blood calcium regulation when blood calcium becomes low. CORRECT ANSWER PTH ...

Nutrition 202 Exam 1 questions with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 26 pages • 2023
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- $13.99
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What influences food choices? CORRECT ANSWER taste (major reason), smell, appearance, texture, culture, habit, tradition, cost, advertising & convenience are often more important than nutrition Nutrients CORRECT ANSWER a science that studies how nutrients and compounds in foods we eat affect the body's functions and health. Substances in food that provide energy, structure to the body, and regulated processes within the body are: Nutrients, Essential Nutrients, and Energy. Six Classes of ...
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