BIOD 152
Texas Lutheran University
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BIOD 152 Anatomy and Physiology I - Module 6 Quiz,100% CORRECT
- Exam (elaborations) • 23 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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BIOD 152 Anatomy and Physiology I - Module 6 Quiz 
BIOD152 Anatomy and Physiology II Quiz #6: Module 6 
Question 1 
Not yet graded / 0 pts 
The Female Reproductive System 
1.	The female reproductive system includes what internal organs? 
2.	What is ovulation? How often does it occur? 
3.	What is the ovarian cycle? 
4.	What does the ovarian follicle become after ovulation? 
5.	What is the purpose of the corpus luteum? 
6.	What are the three sections and three coats of the oviducts? 
7.	What...
Portage Learning Module 7 Problem Set Questions and Answers,100% CORRECT
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2021
- $16.49
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Portage Learning Module 7 Problem Set Questions and Answers 
1.	The urinary system has	kidneys,	ureters, and	bladder. 2, 2, 1 
2.	Describe the shape, weight and location of the adult kidney. Bean-shaped, 5 oz, Right lower than the left (Liver above it), Between T12 & L3 vertebra 
3.	The	glands are located on top of each kidney. Adrenal Glands 
4.	Describe the three layers of protective tissue that surround the kidney. Renal Capsule (inner, tough, fibrous, protect from injury ...
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