ATI Final exam question bank_fall10
University Of Houston - Main Campus
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ATI Final exam question bank_fall 10
- Exam (elaborations) • 36 pages • 2021
- $13.49
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1. All of the following are true about organ transplantation except:

A. Identical twins can usually accept grafts from one another

B. A xenograft is one that comes from a different species

C. Hyperacute rejection can be mediated by antibodies

D. Persons who are MHC identical will give a high level of DNA synthesis in a MLR

E. A second allograft from the same donor will be rejected faster than the first one...
Exam (elaborations)
ATI Final exam question bank_fall 10
Last document update:
1. All of the following are true about organ transplantation except: 
A. Identical twins can usually accept grafts from one another 
B. A xenograft is one that comes from a different species 
C. Hyperacute rejection can be mediated by antibodies 
D. Persons who are MHC identical will give a high level of DNA synthesis in a MLR 
E. A second allograft from the same donor will be rejected faster than the first one...
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